1. I am currently obsessed with updating this blog. lol. And baking and nesting the condo.
2. Today I am sick of work because, it is incredibly boring and it is Friday and I would like to be at home baking. Plus it's raining, and I never feel like doing anything when it's rainy. I hate getting the bottom of my jeans wet.
3. The age I am is 22 and the age I feel is usually older. Chris and I are a fairly legit couple in a remarkably adult setup and situation for a couple our age. We've got the house, the jobs, the cars, the bills, the loans, the wedding, the dinner at home, the wine, the gym, the house guests, the home improvement. Luckily we're waiting a good 5 years to have any babies, so we have time to enjoy the time we are spending building our lives together. Sometimes I still feel young and immature when I think of what I want to spend money on and accomplish. Mostly it's baking equipment, and I'm still not quite ready for my own business, but I'm working on it.
4. My favorite place is the library, my kitchen, the beach house with friends. I love sleeping in that huge bed, sleeping in, having the sexy time, seeing the light come through the wooden blinds, walking out on the patio to read a book in the sunshine and watch the reeds and grass sway back and forth, bbqing with friends and having a beer and smoking a clove when the sun goes down. So perfect.
5. Something I have been procrastinating is cleaning the condo. We've been meaning to do it for ages. The second bathroom is an ungodly disaster and hasn't been cleaned since before Cynthia moved out. Our bedroom is in serious need of vacuuming, and the front hall and kitchen need to be mopped. We also have to sweep up the patio and clean the tea stain that I spilled on the doorstep. lol.
6. The last thing I purchased was a mani/pedi at the spa attached to the gym. I had a giftcard from the in-laws, so I guess I didn't exactly purchase it. Before that, it would have to be lunch or coffee with Cynthia, and before that, dinner at the bar for trivia and food shopping at the Sam's Club.
7. The thing I love most about my home is The way the light and breeze comes in the patio door when I'm baking on a saturday morning or making pancakes for Chris on the weekend. I am so ready for spring and to re plant some basil and whatever else I can think of that would grow nicely on the patio. Any ideas?